Hi Guys
I have had the ezsmart for a few yrs now and love it. I use it to strighten rough cut lumber befor joinning. I only had two 50s in the kit I recieved and I am getting ready to have to do some 120 boards. I ordered another section and wanted a 50 piece. Wellll he wouldn't hear of it and sent a 62" piece and only charged me for the smaller piece. Well today I started putting it together and it wouldn't match up. So I called and was explainning my problem. He asked how long I had had mine and I tole him a few years. OHHHHH he said you need a type N. SO he said send me an email and teel me type N and I get it right out to you.
Great guy exceptional service. I would recomend this product to anyone. Not for the service alone but the many things it allows me to do.